Guided Meditation

Anyone who has daydreamed has meditated; everyone can meditate. The only trick is harnessing the power of this awareness.
Medical research suggests that meditation benefits everyone. It can:
Ease pain, anxiety depression & stress-related disease thus making you calmer.
Reduce depression, tiredness & fatigue.
Improve attention, emotional regulation & mental flexibility, thus making you more focused.
Grow your brain & improve information processing.
Meditation can allow you to rewire your brain. By flexing this brain muscle that enables you to be and stay in the present moment, you can find more happiness in the present rather than the regret that can come from looking back or the anxiety that can arise from looking forward. Meditation does not change your circumstances but can change how you react to them.
Meditation is a practice; as with any practice, the effects are cumulative. Just as you don’t become physically fit on your first visit to the gym, you will not be an expert the first time you meditate. No matter your experience level, meditating is always refreshing and positive; over time, you will get better the more you practice. Use the guided meditations below to begin.